An antique street clock stands again in downtown Alamosa decades after being rescued from a possible junkyard demise

Two workers stand on scaffolding putting the rim on to a large clock face
Beata Ramza/City of Alamosa
Workers install the refurbished antique street clock on Main Street in downtown Alamosa. (Sept 25, 2024)

An ornate 18-foot-high cast iron antique clock was installed earlier this week in downtown Alamosa, not far from where it first stood in 1912.

It’s taken years of volunteer labor, donated materials and tens of thousands of dollars, but the clock is restored and ticking again. It’s now topped with an antique-style sign featuring gold letters on a green background that reads “Alamosa.”

Two local men saved the clock when it was removed from its original location decades ago. They gathered the rusted pieces and began refurbishing it, but eventually donated it to the city.
Alamosa and its Historic Preservation Advisory Committee took over the restoration, which was finally completed earlier this year.

a crowd of people surround a tall green street clock
Beata Ramza/City of Alamosa
Lots of people turn our to celebrate the installation of the newly refurbished antique street clock on Main Street in downtown Alamosa. (Sept 26, 2024)