Engineer Company from Fort Carson to join others at the southern U.S. border

Hart Van Denburg/CPR News
The statue of Kit Carson at Gate 1 of the Fort Carson military base south of Colorado Springs.

U.S. Northern Command, based at Peterson Space Force Base in Colorado Springs, is sending another 400 troops from bases across the county to the southern U.S. border "to bolster security." This includes engineers from Fort Carson.

In an announcement Monday, USNorthcom said the engineers from the Army will provide support for construction and other operations to mobilize the mission along the border. This includes the 76th Combat Engineer Company-Styker, 4th Engineer Battalion, 4th Infantry Division from the Mountain Post.

The soldiers are joining a Stryker Brigade Combat Team, military police and other engineers from Fort Carson already there or approved for deployment. In all, the deployment of these troops will bring the total number of U.S. troops deployed or approved to deploy to the southern border to more than 10,000.

Soldiers from Fort Drum in New York, Fort Stewart in Georgia and Fort Detrick in Maryland are also part of this latest announcement.