Looking Up: Name That Leftover
This week on Looking Up Bruce Bookout tells us a bit about the naming process for asteroids. During another 80’s musical interlude, I wondered how asteroids are named.

Looking Up: The Spectral Light Knows
This week on Looking Up Bruce Bookout takes on a listener question. One of our listeners, Scott K., asked a great question that is the basis of how we know, […]

Looking Up: Spinning Under Control
This week on Looking Up Bruce Bookout sets his sights on the Earth’s precession.

Looking Up: The Ages Of Aquarius
Bruce Bookout steers this week’s episode of Looking Up and guides us to the constellation of Aquarius.

Looking Up: Scooting Off To Scutum
This week on Looking Up we are ‘shielded’ from ignorance about the constellation Scutum, thanks to Bruce Bookout.

Looking Up: That’s Nice, But Now Back To Me…
This week on Looking Up we learn how a world view did change. The only destruction talked about is that of Ptolomy’s geocentric system.

Looking Up: A Moon Mission Is Born. But What To Name It?
This week on Looking Up our month long tribute to the 50th anniversary of the Apollo missions continues with Bruce providing insight on how the program came to be named.

Looking Up: A Celestial Object By Any Other Name…
Would any given astronomical object still look as cool if it had a different name? Bruce Bookout delves into that very subject on this week’s Looking Up.

Looking Up: South Side Of The Sky
This week on Looking Up we’re bound for a star that’s 50 light years from home.

Looking Up: Crossing The Universe
Bruce Bookout has been some days in preperation for this week’s episode of Looking Up… Our springtime brings to view a northern-sky asterism many amateur astronomers call the Kite.

Looking Up: Royal Road
Bruce Bookout carries the weight of this week’s episode of Looking Up in which four majestic stars come together for something special. Why?

Looking Up: Enter The Dragon
This week on Looking Up Bruce Bookout is back, and he has a dragon ‘tale’ to tell.

Looking Up: Large Visitor To A Small Planet
This week on Looking Up Bruce Bookout sends us an invitation to learn more about the meaning of meteorites in the Native American community.

Looking Up: Can You Hear Me Now?
This week on Looking Up Bruce Bookout inspires us with comet ‘tales’ from various cultures. Comets are very remarkable objects in the night sky.

Looking Up: We Love You Mr. Moonlight
It’s known by many names but there’s no mistaking being face to face with a full moon.

Looking Up: Here Comes The Sun…
This week on Looking Up Bruce Bookout illuminates us on the historic and cultural aspects of that special star nearest to us.