La brecha de pobreza entre personas negras y latinas mayores aumentó en la última década
Ahora es dos veces más probable que las personas negras mayores vivan en la pobreza en comparación con las personas blancas mayores.

Poverty gap for Black and Latino senior citizens grew over last decade
Black seniors are now more than twice as likely to live in poverty as white seniors.

Boulder Valley School District punishes Black and Latino students at disproportionately higher rates than most Colorado districts. Parents continue calls for accountability
Latino students at BVSD are about 3.5 times more likely to be suspended than white students, a Boulder Reporting Lab analysis of district data shows. The district and parents are not in total agreement on how to address the longstanding problem.

Trump’s legacy looms large as Colorado aims to expand health care benefits for undocumented immigrants
Colorado is expanding health coverage to some unauthorized residents, but it runs up against lingering fears from the Trump era about using public benefits.

Pesa el legado de Trump, mientras Colorado busca zanjar la brecha del seguro de salud hispano
Colorado va desarrollando asistencia medica para residentes no autorizadas. Pero la expansion choca contra aprension sobre el uso de beneficios durante la presidencia de Trump.

Grupos locales lideran esfuerzos para cerrar la brecha de mortalidad infantil en Colorado
Colorado figura entre cerca de 15 estados que han alcanzado los objetivos federales para reducir la mortalidad infantil, un indicador importante de la salud poblacional en general. Sin embargo, al examinar datos por grupo racial y étnico, es obvio que todavía existen grandes diferencias.

Grassroots groups lead way on closing Colorado’s infant mortality gap
Colorado is among about 15 states that have met federal goals to reduce infant mortality, an important indicator of overall population health. Breaking down the data by race and ethnicity, though, makes clear that major gaps remain.

After 50 years, the homeownership gap between white and Latino Coloradans has narrowed. But for Black Coloradans, it’s widened.
The U.S. is short about 3.8 million housing units relative to demand, making one of the toughest real estate markets in history.

Key gaps between Black, Latino and white Coloradans narrowed in the last decade, but equity is ‘a dream unrealized’
Analysis of U.S. Census and other data found that over the course of the last decade, poverty rates among Colorado’s Black and Latino residents fell to historic or near-historic lows, while high school graduation rates, particularly for Latinos, shot up.

Algunas brechas socioeconómicas clave entre coloradenses negros, latinos y blancos se redujeron en la última década, pero la equidad sigue siendo “un sueño incumplido”
Un análisis de Colorado News Collaborative (COLab) de datos del Censo de EE. UU.

On Edge: Watch the statewide conversation about Colorado’s mental health crisis
The 90-minute panel at the Buell Public Media Center’s Masterpiece studio will be live-streamed online May 17 from 5-7 p.m.

Whistleblowers say they falsified patient records at Western Slope mental health center
Former employees at the Grand Junction-based Mind Springs Health allege they were instructed to make up patient diagnoses to secure more state funding.

“Life-threatening” errors at mental health center went undisclosed to patients, public
By Christopher Osher, Colorado Springs Gazetteand Susan Greene, Colorado News Collaborative A pattern of “severe life-threatening” prescription errors by the mental health center responsible for treating 10 Western Slope counties […]