Last Winter’s Avalanche Season Was Unprecedented — Could It Happen Again?
Colorado’s 2018 avalanche season was bad and scientists now say it’s even worse than they thought.

Teens Start ‘Offline October’ To Urge Peers Off Social Media And Live Real Lives
The Offline October movement was started by students in suburban Denver after two of their peers took their own lives in the same week earlier this year.

By Jo Ann Allen

Teens In Danger Of Suicide Often Just Need A Sympathetic Ear
In Colorado, the number of teens taking their own lives has increased dramatically in recent years, nearly doubling between 2006 and 2016.

By Jo Ann Allen

Colorado’s Bad at Recycling. Here’s How The State’s Trying to Change
Nationally, 35 percent of everything Americans throw away ends up somewhere other than a landfill. In Colorado that figure is 19 percent.

By Jo Ann Allen

Feds To Review Colorado’s Canyons Of The Ancients
An executive order from President Trump is aimed at land protected under the Antiquities Act, including one site in Colorado.

By Jo Ann Allen

The Talking Book Library Wants Every Coloradan To Be Able To Read
The library’s primary service is to provide free audio, braille, and large print books for visually impaired patrons.

By Jo Ann Allen

Are Smart Digital Textbooks The Next Step In Learning? CU Research Is Looking Into It
Simply by making an annotation, or highlighting something they’ve read, the student introduces a collection point that the smart textbook software could work with.

By Jo Ann Allen

How Aurora’s New Homelessness Director Hopes To Make A Difference
Aurora, the third-largest city in Colorado, estimates that it has between 500 to 1,000 homeless individuals.

By Jo Ann Allen

Coloradans Give Generously, But Many Wonder If They’re Targets Of Fraud
AARP says about 80 percent of adult Coloradans gave to charity in the last year, but half of them never checked the charity’s legitimacy.

By Jo Ann Allen

Coloradans Are Big Art Buffs, Report Says
The state ranks high, sometimes number one, when it comes to supporting many forms of artistic endeavor.

By Jo Ann Allen

Solar Panels To Cut Energy Bill For Some Low-Income Coloradans
The Colorado Energy Office is using solar power to help lower utility bills for low-income households.

By Jo Ann Allen

Mucky Air Along The Front Range Isn’t Going Anywhere Just Yet
It’s that time of the year when fog, ozone, smoke from wildfires, and dust from construction and farming combine to make the Rockies invisible.

By Jo Ann Allen

Denver-Westminster Commuter Rail Line Opens Monday
But it’ll take decades to complete the line from Denver to Longmont, RTD says.

By Jo Ann Allen

Forest Service To Colorado Campers: Put Out Your Fires
Rangers in the national forests and grasslands around Colorado Springs and Pueblo had to put out 30 unattended or abandoned campfires this past weekend.

By Jo Ann Allen

Law To Relax Rules On Colorado Small Chicken Farmers
It’s about to get easier for small-time chicken farmers in Colorado to sell their birds to consumers, but not to grocery stores.

By Jo Ann Allen

Report: Colorado’s Child Care, Pre-K Workers Are Underpaid
Leaders earn an average of $41,000 a year, while teachers pull in $21,000 to $31,000 on average.

By Jo Ann Allen