The Middle Distance, 1.9.15: Migrations
The plan was to fly, but at the last minute I decided to drive instead.

The Middle Distance 11.28.14: All The Light We Used to Have
Audio Pending… Nearly every wall of my mother’s house is lined with tables, bookcases, or a chest with drawers.

The Middle Distance 11.21.14: Word to the Birdman
There are plenty of good reasons to see the Alejandro Inarritu film Birdman, currently enjoying the kind of pre-Oscar buzz that, once you’ve seen the movie, will make you giggle.

The Middle Distance Celebrates 200 Episodes
This week’s Middle Distance marks the 200th episode. Congratulations and thank you, Kathryn, for all you have done, and continue to do in the community!

The Middle Distance 6.20.14: The Way We Fall
Ashes, ashes, we all fall down! God, how we loved falling down when we were short and close to the ground.

The Middle Distance 6.6.14: Those Long, Parentless Days
In summer, we spent all day every day at the playground, risking, if not life, then certainly limb.

The Middle Distance 4.11.14: Soldier’s Heart
“The front-line soldier I knew lived for months like an animal, and was a veteran in the cruel, fierce world of death.

The Middle Distance 6.28.13: Hey Yawwwwwl!
The Middle Distance 6.28.13: Hey Yawwwwwwl! A friend asked me yesterday what’s been in the news.