Tired Of The Same Thanksgiving Turkey? Take A Page From The Senator
This recipe has its roots in India and comes from, of all people, Sen. Michael Bennet.

By Lee Hill

Coloradans reflect on how Nelson Mandela influenced their lives
Wellington Webb, the first African American mayor of Denver, has fond memories of the late statesman, saying all other world leaders shrank in Mandela’s presence.

By Lee Hill

Loud and Clear: 2 ways to cook during the holidays without using meat
After getting a listener complaint about too many meat-filled holiday recipes on Colorado Public Radio, we decided to do something about it.

By Lee Hill

Tell us something good about 2013
In closing out the year, we want to look at the glass as half-full. We’re collecting your highlights for 2013.

By Lee Hill

Loud and Clear: Federal employee glad to be at work after shutdown
The government shutdown ended this week when a deal was struck in Congress to keep the nation from defaulting on its debt. We check in with a federal employee in Golden.

By Lee Hill

Government shutdown: How’s your life affected?
We want to know how your life here in Colorado is being affected by the drama in Washington.

By Lee Hill

Confused about Obamacare? Ask away
The law is big and complicated, and applies to different people in different ways.

By Lee Hill

Life’s a headache for Coloradans affected by shutdown
Since Day One of the federal government shutdown, listeners have been telling us about the direct effects its having on their lives. Hear their stories.

By Lee Hill

Are you a veteran on pain killers prescribed by the VA?
A new report finds the Dept. of Veterans Affairs is over-medicating its patients and struggling to provide complex treatment. We’re looking for Colorado veterans and their families to help us look deeper into this story.

By Lee Hill

How are you affected by the floods?
We’re reporting on historic flooding in Colorado and we’re looking for your stories and photos.

By Lee Hill

Culture Gaps: Does race have a seat in your classroom?
We’re exploring Colorado’s achievement gaps between white students and black and Latino students as part of our ongoing series focusing on racial disparities across Colorado.

By Lee Hill

The immigration debate: your connection
Our newsroom wants to know how you stand to be affected by possible reform. Tell us where you see yourself in the immigration debate.

By Lee Hill

Coloradans tell us how they’re handling the flood
Early Thursday, we asked people in our Public Insight Network how they are coping with the rain and the flooding. Here are some of the stories we heard in response.

By Lee Hill

Questions about recreational marijuana?
What will a recreational marijuana industry look like here in Colorado? CPR News is exploring this and wants to know your biggest questions or concerns.

By Lee Hill

50 years after The March on Washington: What’s your ‘dream’?
What’s your dream for today’s world, or for your own life? And what issue would you join a march for today?

By Lee Hill

It’s August recess! What do you want from Congress?
What issues do you want your Member of Congress to address while home connecting with constituents during August summer recess?

By Lee Hill