Study: Teens With Access To Guns Are At Higher Risk For Mental Health Problems
University of Colorado pediatrician Eric Sigel identifies a major health concern for teens — the availability of firearms in homes. Sigel has studied the problem in two Denver neighborhoods.

Industrial Hemp Farmers Have More To Worry About Than The Weather
Hemp is a high-risk farm crop because it must be grown in the netherworld between federal and state law. But some hemp hurdles are being removed as spring planting time nears.

Scott Mercier, The Cyclist Who Refused To Dope, Now Champions Clean Racing
Scott Mercier refused to take performance-enhancing drugs as a professional cyclist 20 years ago. He champions that cause to this day, while carrying on an unlikely friendship with Lance Armstrong.

Were Mesa Verde’s Ancient Builders Geniuses At Geometry?
A research professor at the University of Arizona has found the ancient inhabitants of the Mesa Verde area used complex geometry to build a temple — the first sign of such sophisticated geometrical skills in North America.

Crested Butte’s High Altitude Helps This Rum Shed Its Tropical Rep
For nine years, Montanya Rum has been distilled in the Colorado mountains. It is now being exported to seven countries and recently received an award as a notable Colorado export business.

Trump Bump Is Giving Grand Junction New Energy
Grand Junction is feeling a Trump bump — President Trump’s energy-friendly policies are kick starting new drilling activity in an area that has been in an energy slump.

The Dobrato: A ‘Frankenstein’ Guitar Made In Gunnison
The dobrato is a mashup of a guitar and a dobro with a note-bending lever.

Trains, Trails And A Troubadour
Amtrak and the National Park Service are in harmony on adding a new amenity for parks and trains: an official Trails and Rails Troubadour.

NASA Seeks To Unlock Secrets Of Colorado Snowpack
NASA is studying snow in Colorado to eventually be able to predict floods and drought worldwide via satellite.

A Louse Has Moved Into Colorado’s Vineyards
A microscopic insect that destroys grape vines has turned up in Colorado vineyards.

Study: Undocumented Workers Are Often Victims Of Identity Crimes
A University of Colorado anthropology professor has found that undocumented workers are often the victims, not the perpetrators, of identity theft.

Ancient Suds Are Tapped By A Modern Scholar
University of Colorado professor Travis Rupp is studying, and writing about, beer archaeology.

Denver Jumps Through Hoops In Gay Games Site Competition
Denver is among nine cities vying to host the international Gay Games in 2022.

Where There’s Smoke There’s Ire In Mesa County
Mesa County has a burning issue: Too many residents are putting a match to trash, yard refuse and fields. Clean air advocates want to douse this longstanding practice.

Silverton Man Built A Thousand-Mile Snow Route Across Antarctica
With its heaps of snow and bone-chilling cold, Silverton, Colorado might feel like the South Pole in winter. The remote mountain town also has a close bond to a dangerous, pioneering road project at the bottom of the world.

Cider Rules: Hard Cider Is The New Darling Of The Craft Alcohol Scene
Hard cider is the newest craft liquor to to take the adult beverage market by storm.