A Pickle Jar In The Basement Is No Place For Someone’s Ashes To Spend Eternity
Matthew Boyle bought a Montrose funeral home last fall and made a ghastly discovery in the basement.

A Prehistoric Meat Market In Modern Suburbia
One of the fastest-growing suburbs in Colorado was once home to a prehistoric meat market. Thirsty mammoths and camels came to Lamb Spring in Douglas County. Hungry humans followed.

Bullseyes And Misfires: The Quirky History Of Weapons In Western Colorado
From darts to machine guns, humans’ evolving arsenal of weapons is on display in Grand Junction.

A Basket Older Than God…Well, Jesus
The Eagle Rock Shelter at the north end of the Gunnison Gorge is the oldest site of human occupation in Colorado and holds artifacts left by its residents.

Good Weather Means Big Western Slope Fruit Crops
It’s a good year for Palisade fruit crops including apricots and peaches.

New Colorado Law Cracks Down On Immigration Scam Artists
The law places multiple restrictions on “notarios” in Colorado, who sometimes pretend to be specialists in immigration law.

How About Them Cortez Apples?
Cortez’s apples were once world famous. A new Four Corners project aims for an antique apple revival.

Bridge Project Snarls Traffic And Frays Nerves In Glenwood Springs
The largest highway project in Western Colorado in 25 years is underway in Glenwood Springs. The $125.6 million Grand Avenue Bridge replacement will modernize the entrance to the city from Interstate 70 but it won’t be completed until 2018.

Crestone OKs Pot Sales, 5 Other Towns Keep Bans In Place
The exception was Crestone, where voters approved ballot measures allowing for retail sales of marijuana and for the town to tax it.

Why Small-Town Colorado Voters May Change Direction On Pot Bans
Voters in Hotchkiss, Buena Vista, Crestone, Julesburg, Poncha Springs and Silver Cliff weigh the lure of legal marijuana.

Why Denver’s Immigration Court Has The Longest Hearing Delays In The US
The average waiting period is 933 days, and there are 9,420 cases pending.

Breaking Barriers To Welcome War Veterans In Montrose, Colorado
Silversmith created Welcome Home Montrose, an organization to help vets struggling with civilian life.

Small, Struggling DeBeque, Colorado, Pins Its Hopes On Pot
Last year, taxes on marijuana sales brought in more money than the town sees in overall sales tax and energy impact fees combined. Now, how to spend it?

As Fat Bikes Descend On Crested Butte, Controversy With Nordic Skiers Simmers
Fat-wheeled bikes look like motorcycles without engines. They also annoy Nordic skiers, who have to share the trails with them.