An Evening with Jim Balog



Celest Theatre, Cornerstone Arts Center, Colorado College, 825 N. Cascade Avenue, Colorado Springs, 80903

Event Description

During his four-decade career as a world-renowned artist, photographer and explorer James Balog has focused his lens on the complex relationship between humans and nature. His work challenges us to contemplate our place in, and responsibility to, the natural world. Join us as James presents his photographs and shares what he’s learned through documenting our world and its changing climate. Learn more about James Balog here.

James' most recent project, The Human Element: A Timecapsule From The Anthropocene, follows him on an artistic journey to distill our environment into an approachable body of images and ideas. To achieve this, James breaks this dense topic into what ancient societies identified as the four elements of life--air, earth, fire and water--seeking to photographically portray each element and examine how human activity has changed its nature. James concludes humanity is tantamount to a fifth element that affects and modulates the others. But ultimately this means humans are part of the whole system of nature and not apart from it. Knowing this, James finds great hope that the fifth element, the human element, can bring the whole system back into balance. This element is present worldwide, including in our own Pikes Peak Region. The presenting organizations, which include Colorado College Environmental Studies Program, Colorado Springs Downtown Partnerships, The Nature Conservancy, Colorado and El Pomar’s Pikes Peak Heritage Series, hope to bring the community together to engage in dialogue inspired by James' work.

This event is free and open to the public.

Event Schedule

4:00-4:30 p.m. Reception in Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center

Enjoy hours d’oeuvres and beer/wine
4:30-5:45 p.m. Presentation in Celeste Theater

5:45-6:30 p.m. Book signing

Presenting Organizations:

Colorado College Environmental Studies Program prepares its majors to understand their connection to the environment, acquire the skills to explore scientific and human interrelationships in the global ecosystem and pursue interdisciplinary approaches to problem solving.

Colorado Springs Downtown Partnership is the leading catalytic champion for Downtown Colorado Springs, accomplished through a wide variety of programs and services. Its mission is to ensure that Downtown serves as the economic, civic and cultural heart of Colorado Springs.

The Nature Conservancy, Colorado: The Nature Conservancy is a global environmental nonprofit working to create a world where people and nature can thrive. Its mission is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends.

Pikes Peak Heritage Series: A program of El Pomar Foundation, the Heritage Series was launched in 2015 with a mission to celebrate and raise awareness of the natural assets of the Pikes Peak Region.


