CPR News Presents: Colorado Wolf Restoration Discussion – What We’ve Learned and Where We Go From Here

Event Description
Join us for an insightful and engaging discussion on the restoration of wolves to Colorado, hosted by Colorado Public Radio (CPR). This event, moderated by CPR’s Climate Reporter Sam Brasch, will feature a panel of diverse experts representing a wide range of perspectives. Panelists will explore the overall goal of the wolf restoration program, the challenges faced so far and the lessons learned along the way. They will also discuss what plans and policies could help Colorado residents effectively coexist with predators. Regardless of how you voted on this issue and your level of expertise on wolves, this conversation promises to offer valuable insights and foster a thoughtful dialogue about where we go from here.
Don't miss this unique opportunity to hear from a variety of voices and perspectives on one of Colorado's most complex environmental topics.
Register for the event here.