CU on the Weekend: America’s Broken Political Process and the Path Forward



Event Description

Professor Doug Spencer will engage in an important and timely conversation about the interaction of law and politics. In recent years, the U.S. Supreme Court has instructed Americans to trust the political process to address problems with gerrymandering, to combat climate change, and to protect the right to abortion. What happens if the political process is broken? From redistricting to voting rules to microtargeting (the decision by campaigns about whom to contact), it can sometimes feel like those in power are wielding their influence to shape the electorate rather than having voters use their power to shape the government. Has America’s political system been turned on its head? In this CU on the Weekend talk, Professor Spencer will discuss recent developments in the law;  in the courts; in political campaign strategies that have contributed to growing political inequality; and he will explore several potential reforms for addressing the potential breakdown of America’s democracy.

