Echoes of the Past: The Importance of Indigenous Oral Histories



Hoag Theatre at Pueblo Community College, 900 W. Orman Avenue, Pueblo, 81004

Event Description

FREE Public Lecture - The Pueblo Archaeological and Historical Society welcomes Kialo Winters who will speak on the importance of indigenous oral histories. Winters, Diné and Zia, was raised on Navajo Nation lands in the Chaco Canyon community. In this presentation he delves into the rich and often overlooked world of indigenous oral traditions. This form of storytelling, handed down through generations, provides a valuable window into the lives, beliefs, and wisdom of Indigenous peoples. These narratives encapsulate history and reflect the vibrant cultures, profound wisdom, and social norms of various indigenous societies. Winters will examine the unique structure of these stories, discuss their role in preserving cultural identity, and explore how they influence contemporary indigenous life. He underscores the crucial need to safeguard these precious narratives that amplify the voices that echo from the past.
Winters is an entrepreneur working in the Travel and Hospitality industry in the Southwest. He has worked 15 years as a classroom teacher and as a consultant with technology companies integrating Navajo culture and language into school curricula.



Event Contact

Pueblo Archaeological and Historical Society


[email protected]