Exploring our Urban Forest in Partnership with UCCS



Online: www.cspmm.org

Event Description

Generously Sponsored by PIKES PEAK HERITAGE SERIES
Virtual Lecture
This lecture is presented as part of the Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum’s Sesquicentennial Scholar Series in partnership with UCCS. This program is made possible due to the generous support of Pikes Peak Heritage Series, a program of El Pomar Foundation. When General William Jackson Palmer founded our city in 1871, it was situated on a nearly treeless, shortgrass prairie. Under Palmer’s supervision, the Colorado Springs Company planted thousands of trees to make the city green and inviting. Today, the city has been recognized as a “Tree City, USA” for 44 straight years by the Arbor Day Foundation. Join us as we examine this fascinating history, discuss new forestry initiatives, and examine the future of our urban forest. We will also explore the science of “Tree Ring Research” being conducted at UCCS that focuses on human-environment interactions and the stories trees can tell.


Free - Registration required for Zoom link

Event Contact

Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum


[email protected]

