Get on Board



Library 21c, 1175 Chapel Hills Dr, Colorado Springs, Co, 80918

Event Description

The largest community connections event in the Pikes Peak Region: Get on Board. Are you a nonprofit seeking board members and/or volunteers? Or you are a citizen seeking to share your talents with local organizations that need your help? This community connections event, formally known as Speed Boarding, will connect community organizations seeking skilled volunteers, passionate community trustees, and board members to those ready to serve. Leadership Pikes Peak loves connecting leaders (present and future) with each other. Your talents combined with your passion will serve an organization and ultimately our community, well.

This free event will link you to service in your community.

Community members: it's time to Get on a Board! You have talents, skills, and time an organization is ready for. If you are unsure of how or where to serve, you need to attend this event! While in attendance, please visit each of the organization's tables to learn more about their mission. Their mission may align with your life mission, why, and passion

