Reading & Book Release Celebration with Poet Juan Morales



Colorado State University Pueblo, LINCx Center on the Second Floor of the Library, 2200 Bonforte Blvd., Colorado Springs, 81001

Event Description

Join us for a reading with poet Juan J. Morales to celebrate the release of his new collection, DREAM OF THE BIRD TATTOO (University of New Mexico Press). This event is FREE & OPEN to the public, and refreshments will be served. It will be held on the second floor of CSUP's library. Parking is available in the visitor lots on campus.

About Morales:
Juan J. Morales is the son of an Ecuadorian mother and Puerto Rican father. He is the author of three poetry collections: Friday and the Year That Followed (2006), The Siren World (2015), and The Handyman’s Guide to End Times, winner of the 2019 International Latino Book Award. Poems have appeared in Acentos Review, Breakbeats Vol. 4 LatiNEXT, Crazyhorse, Hayden's Ferry Review, Pank,, War, Literature, & the Arts, and elsewhere. He is a CantoMundo fellow, a Macondo fellow, the editor/publisher of Pilgrimage Press, and Assistant Professor of English at Colorado College.


