The Colorado premiere of Blind Injustice by Scott Davenport Richards



Colorado College: Armstrong Hall, 14 E Cache La Poudre St, Colorado Springs, 80903

Event Description

Opera Theatre of the Rockies and the Chamber Orchestra of the Springs present Blind Injustice conducted by Thomas Wilson. Blind Injustice, written by Scott Davenport Richards, is a timely and poignant opera telling the story of the East Cleveland Five and others who were wrongfully tried, convicted, imprisoned and then later released thanks to the work of the Ohio Innocence Project (OIP). The work is based on the casework by OIP and the book Blind Injustice, by University of Cincinnati law professor and OIP Director Mark Godsey. The story as told by a small cast, chorus and 12-piece orchestra, is an opera that brings to life the perseverance and forgiveness of these men and women.


$15 – $35