A man in eastern Boulder County broadcasts a live feed from his front lawn all day, every day, and people from around the world tune in to watch it. They see the grass get mowed, or grow very slowly -- hence the site's name, Watching Grass Grow -- as well as the mail truck visits at the curb, and the family's stops in the driveway.
The site and its creator were the subjects of a recent profile in Southwest The Magazine. Bradford Pearson writes that Alek Komarnitsky, nicknamed Mr. Grass in the piece, started Watching Grass Grow more than a decade ago, and has tried to spin off sites like Watching Paint Dry and Concrete Cam.
In addition to visiting Komarnitsky's house to see the lawn in person, Pearson told Colorado Matters host Ryan Warner he tried to figure out why some people are fascinated by watching footage that barely changes for hours -- or even days -- at a time.