Every day, more than 3.7 million Coloradans cross over structurally deficient bridges, according to an American Road & Transportation Builders Association analysis of the 2014 National Bridge Inventory.
But the top ten most traveled structurally deficient bridges are in the Denver metro, in familiar parts of town.
Several of them are part of Interstate 70. Others are a part of U.S. 6, a highway that CDOT vowed to repair in 2014.
Here's what those bridges look like, when they were built and how many people cross them:
10. Eastbound Interstate 70 bridge over state Highway 35
Built in 1964, 65,000 daily crossings.
9. Westbound Interstate 70 over the Union Pacific Railroad
Seen from 881 W 48th Ave, Denver, Colorado
Built in 1964, 65,000 daily crossings.
8. Southbound US 85 over the South Platte River
Seen from Santa Fe Drive, Denver, Colorado
Built in 1973, 83,000 daily crossings.
7. Interstate 70 over Harlan Street
Built in 1967, 84,000 daily crossings.
6. US 6 bridge over state Highway 121
Built in 1972, 101,000 daily crossings.
5. US 6 bridge over Garrison Street
Built in 1964, 102,000 daily crossings.
4. US-6 bridge over the Bryant Street
Built in 1958, 102,000 daily crossings.
3. US-6 bridge over the BNSF Railroad
Built in 1956, 137,000 daily crossings.
2. US-6 bridge over the South Platte River
Built in 1956, 137,000 daily crossings.
1. Interstate 70 bridge over Havana Street and the Union Pacific Railroad
Built in 1964, 183,000 daily crossings.