Your favorite podcast about life after legalization recently hosted a virtual live event about awkward and unexpected tales of sentiment and substance. Six seriously talented storytellers shared anecdotes about those times when family and drugs collide. We called it “Your Family, On Something.”
This episode features three of the funniest, most surprising and most moving moments from the event. Featured storytellers:
Andrew Orvedahl, our cohost for the event, founded Denver’s live storytelling event and podcast “The Narrators.” Andrew is a comedian, writer and actor behind TruTV’s scripted comedy show “Those Who Can’t.”
Christie Buchele is a comedian, co-host of the Empty Girlfriend Podcast and cofounder of The Pussy Bros. comedy troupe.
Janae Burris is a comedian, actor, event host and former co-host of the Denver Post’s Cannabist Show in Denver, Colorado.
Season 3 is on the way in 2021, so stay subscribed! Our lead producer for this episode was Rebekah Romberg. Our editor is Dennis Funk. Our executive producers are Brad Turner and Kevin Dale. Many thanks to Kendall Smith for helping to organize On Something’s first-ever live, virtual event.