A former monthly documentary series from KRCC that features stories and investigations that complicate Colorado Springs' reputation as one of America's most conservative cities.
(Many poems in the slideshow NSFW or young eyes.) In this episode of Wish We Were Here, we tell the story of Colorado Springs native Brian “Scoop” Nemeth, a man with […]
In 2002, retired FBI and CIA investigator Charlie Hess began writing letters Robert Charles Browne, a convicted murderer who claimed to have killed dozens of other people around the country.
On this episode of Wish We Were Here, Producer Noel Black tells the story of a small community of kids who grew up in Colorado Springs with gay parents.
At an old prison in southeastern Colorado, an experimental new program is working to help chronically homeless people from around the state rebuild their lives.
This episode of Wish We Were Here was originally broadcast in November of 2014 On April 20th, 1914, just north of Trinidad, Colorado, one of the bloodiest, most overlooked events […]