Originally aired on December 3, 2014, this episode of Colorado Matters includes:
- Colorado physician-assisted death bill supporters, opponents sound off: Last February, Charles Selsberg wrote a letter to The Denver Post. It had a striking headline: “Please, I want to die.” Only a few months prior, Selsberg, a retired realtor, was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. He was told he would never get better. State Reps. Joann Ginal, of Fort Collins, and Lois Court, of Denver, say Colorado physicians should be allowed to assist in the deaths of terminally ill patients who want that choice.
- Journalist says Denver not likely susceptible to another oil bust: In the 1980's, Denver's oil boom went bust. Prices plunged by about 70 percent and the sparkling, new high rises downtown emptied. Now Denver is thriving. Construction cranes loom every direction you turn as new residents pour in. So how susceptible is the Mile High city to another bust? High Country News Senior Editor Jonathan Thompson tackles that in an article, “Is Denver the next Houston of the Rockies -- Again?”