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Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzales

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Fred Kaufman/AP
Jose A. Gutierrez, left, of Texas, and Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzales of Colorado, stand before the La Raza Unida Party national convention in El Paso, Texas, Sept. 4, 1972.
Escuela Guadalupe: Rodolfo Corky Gonzales
Escuela Guadalupe: Rodolfo Corky Gonzales en español

The CPR studios welcomed students from Julia Cogan and Miriam O’Connor's 5th-grade class from Escuela Guadalupe. These young broadcasters learned how to produce a Colorado Postcards segment from Colorado Postcards creators Gillian Coldsnow and Jon Pinnow. CPR News host and reporter, Arlo Pérez Esquivel, participated in a Q&A with the students about his career in broadcasting. Together, the students recorded a Colorado Postcard about Rodolfo Corky Gonzales in both English and Spanish. Enjoy the product of their research and hard work!

Students, teachers and parents from Escuela Guadalupe pose with the CPR Postcards team

Rodolfo Corky Gonzales was a fighter born in Denver in 1928 to Mexican parents. He was a corked up bottle full of energy. Then he became a professional boxer. Out of 75 matches, he won 65. But the greatness of Corky Gonzales was in his words. He fought for Chicanos' civil rights and led the movement in Colorado. His poem "I Am Joaquin" tells a story of pride and deep Mexican roots.

Gonzales started a Chicano rights organization and a dual language alternative school to make sure respect and awareness of Mexican American culture would carry on. Corky Gonzales died in 2005, but his inspiration continues in the movement he helped fire up. A library on Denver's west side carries his name, Rodolfo Corky Gonzales. From the 5th grade class of Escuela Guadalupe in Denver, this is a Colorado postcard.

Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzales fue un luchador. Nacido de Denver en el año de 1928 de padres mexicanos, era como una botella con corcho lleno de energía. Luego se convirtió en boxeador profesional. Ganó 65 de sus 75 peleas en las que participó.

Pero la grandeza de Corky Gonzales estaba en sus palabras. Luchó por los derechos civiles de los chicanos y lideró el movimiento en Colorado en la década de los años de los 60s. Su poema "Soy Joaquín" cuenta una historia de orgullo por las profundas raíces mexicanas. Gonzales inició una organización de derechos chicanos y una escuela alternativa bilingüe, para asegurarse de que el respeto y la conciencia por la cultura méxico-estadounidense continuarían.

Corky Gonzales murió en el año de 2005, pero su inspiración continúa en el movimiento que ayudó a impulsar. Una biblioteca en el lado oeste de Denver lleva su nombre, Rodolfo Corky Gonzales.

Colorado Postcards

About Colorado Postcards

Colorado Postcards are snapshots of our colorful state in sound. They give brief insights into our people and places, our flora and fauna, and our past and present, from every corner of Colorado.