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Minnie J. Reynolds

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Minnie J. Reynolds
Minnie J. Reynolds

Journalist Minnie J. Reynolds started writing for the Rocky Mountain News’ society page in the late 1800s. Her intellect and wit propelled her into a leading political writer — and helped Colorado women gain the right to vote. She canvassed all of the state’s newspapers and got most of them to devote space to pro-suffrage articles and columns, including her own.

With state senators, she was just as persuasive and helped force through the bill that put women’s suffrage on the 1893 ballot. The electoral victory put Minnie Reynolds in great demand with women’s groups in the northeast. They tapped into her expertise and energy to help them gain voting rights for women. Throughout her life, Minnie Reynolds firmly supported women’s rights, and women writers. She founded the Denver Woman’s Press Club. It remains a space for women to nurture each other’s writing activities, and in Minnie’s words, "drive dull care away."