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Sept. 10, 2024: Why parents are stressed out, and ways to cope

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51min 55sec
Three parents in the CPR News studio talking about the causes of parental anxiety and ways to cope.
Michelle P. Fulcher/CPR News
Craig Knippenberg, Kelli Clifton Ogunsanya, and Jess Pramov in the CPR News studios talking about parental stress and ways to cope.

The U.S. Surgeon General says almost half of American parents report feeling completely overwhelmed by stress. He now calls it an "urgent public health issue." To get perspective, we've asked three parents to join us: Craig Knippenberg of Denver is a dad and family counselor, Kelli Clifton Ogunsanya is a mom and the chief operating officer at local corporation, and Jess Pramov is also a mom and a telecom executive. Special thanks to producer Michelle P. Fulcher.