Searching for a project, Juhola was introduced to the Mathis family, who lived in Fountain, Colorado with their five children. One of those children was Coy, then 6, who was born male but self-identified as a girl.
"Growing Up Coy" is a documentary about the Mathis family's reaction after Coy's school banned her from using the girl's bathroom. The family went public with their fight -- a decision which came with tremendous personal repercussions.
Juhola spoke with Colorado Matters host Nathan Heffel. For more information on the documentary, visit www.growingupcoy.com. "Growing Up Coy" will screen in Denver at the Denver Film Festival on Friday, November 11 at 1:15pm, Saturday, November 12 at 1:45pm, Sunday, November 13 at 2:00pm at Sie FilmCenter and in Colorado Springs at the Rocky Mountain Women’s Film Festival on Saturday, November 12 at 2:15pm at the Kathryn Mohrman Theater at Colorado College.