When Bill Powell was born, American women had just won the right to vote, people didn't have televisions or fly on commercial airplanes, and landing on the moon was unimaginable. Powell, who's 102, has lived through seismic events -- the dropping of the atomic bomb, the Civil Rights movement, and 9-11. And, he's played his own part in U.S. history as a pilot in the Air Force during World War II.

Powell spent his career working in the public works department in Miami Dade County, eventually becoming its director. When he retired in the 1980's, county commissioners honored him by calling the new bridge connecting Miami to Key Biscane, Florida the William M. Powell Bridge. Powell eventually moved to Fort Collins, where his daughter lives.
As part of our series "Aging Matters," we're speaking with some of Colorado's centenarians, like Powell, about their life experiences.