CU Denver Professor Builds With Beer-Making Waste And Cow Dung

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Photo: BioSIPs Julee Herdt Patent Small House Boulder
This small house in Boulder, Colo. is made completely from BioSIPs.

Published Oct. 7 | Updated Nov. 23: CU Denver Professor Julee Herdt thinks she can make renewable building materials out of just about anything that contains fiber. That includes noxious weeds, corn stalks, waste from making beer, and cow manure. She was just awarded a patent for her product, BioSIPs, and envisions a future where her product will replace wood, and petroleum-based products. Bonus: Some of the finished products smell like Eucalyptus.

Herdt spoke to Ryan Warner. Click the link above to hear the interview.

Photo: BioSIPs Julee Herdt Patent Small House Boulder Wall
This wall is made from BioSIPs panels.
Photo: BioSIPS Julee Herdt Patent Waste Building Materials
Small BioSIPs boards.
Photo: BioSIPs Julee Herdt Patent 2
BioSIPs samples.