Mystery novels by best-selling author Diane Mott Davidson include recipes. That's because her protagonist, Goldy Schulz, is a caterer -- in addition to being a sleuth. Schulz has appeared in 17 books since 1990. Now, "Goldy's Kitchen Cookbook" brings together recipes from the series along with the real-life stories behind them. Davidson splits her time between Evergreen, Colorado and Florida. She spoke with Colorado Matters host Ryan Warner.
- Meet Davidson at Hearthfire Books in Evergreen tonight at 6 p.m.
- Or see the mystery novelist at Mountain Books in Conifer on Oct. 2
Try recipes from the book:
Bacon-Wrapped Artichokes One learns quickly in catering that any appetizer including bacon is going to disappear quickly. Artichoke hearts can be difficult to deal with, since the chokes are hairy. So using the artichoke bottoms can make life easier. But if your grocery store does not sell artichoke bottoms, you can substitute canned artichoke hearts or the frozen variety that you steam until just tender. Always drain the artichokes and pat them dry. 6 artichoke bottoms 1. Preheat the oven to 400˚F. Makes 36 Note: Occasionally cans of artichoke bottoms will contain 5, rather than 6 pieces. In that case, use 7½ slices of bacon to make 30 appetizers. Unorthodox Shepherd's Pie This recipe has “unorthodox” in the title because it is not made with lamb.But in this country, most of what we call “shepherd’s pie” is made with ground beef. Our Denver Costco used to sell a version of this dish (made with ground beef), and the family loved it. There were many groans from the family when Costco stopped carrying the dish. Jim asked if I could try to duplicate it, and this rec- ipe is the result. This dish is made truly amazing if you use homemade chicken stock. The pie goes well with a fruit salad. 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1. Bring a large saucepan of salted spring water to a boil. Peel the potatoes and lower them into the water. Cook until tender, 40 to 45 minutes. Makes 8 large servings Reprinted from GOLDY'S KITCHEN COOKBOOK by Diane Mott Davidson, with permission of William Morrow, an imprint of Harper Collins Publishers. Copyright (c) 2015 by Diane Mott Davidson. |