Horses ridden by kids in costumes will whirl in circles and perform sliding stops during the Colorado State Fair. The choreography of youth freestyle reining is set to music, usually rock and roll or country since it’s up to the kids to choose it themselves.
Reining has its roots in ranch life, when cowboys needed their horses to respond quickly as they did their daily work, including wrangling cattle.
Sixteen-year-old Lindsay Guynn of Berthoud will be among the 15 young competitors riding in this year’s event on Sunday, Sept. 4. The contest is open to 9- to 18-year-olds.
Guynn says contestants will be judged on their performance of the required movements, along with how well their choreography and costumes fit their chosen theme music.
She’ll be riding Fancy Lil Catillac, her dark bay Quarter Horse who is better known around the barn as Natalie, after the singer Natalie Cole.
The Colorado State Fair begins at the fairgrounds in Pueblo tomorow and runs through Labor Day, Sept. 5. Guynn spoke with Colorado Matters host Nathan Heffel.