JusticeFlorida man sentenced to prison for threatening Colorado Secretary of State Jena GriswoldBy Matt Moret
ElectionsInvestigation finds Colorado election equipment passwords were posted accidentally, but safeguards also lackingBy Bente Birkeland
ElectionsSecretary of State switches law firms for voting machine passwords investigationBy Bente Birkeland
2024 ElectionsSecretary of State details when her office learned of improperly posted passwordsBy Bente Birkeland and Molly Cruse
2024 ElectionsPassword mishap latest headache for Colorado’s beleaguered election clerksBy Molly Cruse, Tom Hesse, and Shanna Lewis
Government and PoliticsInvestigation continues into how Colorado voting machine passwords ended up onlineBy Bente Birkeland
2024 ElectionsSecretary of State Jena Griswold says employee responsible for posting voting equipment passwords is goneBy Ryan Warner and Tom Hesse
2024 ElectionsPasswords for voting equipment posted on Secretary of State’s website, but officials say there’s no immediate security riskBy Bente Birkeland
Government and PoliticsCortez man accused of threatening to kill Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold and other Democratic election officials will likely plead guiltyBy The Associated Press
2024 ElectionsColorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold’s office sent suspicious package with white powderBy Alejandro A. Alonso Galva and The Associated Press
Government and PoliticsRepublican attempt to impeach Colorado’s Secretary of State fails in state HouseBy Bente Birkeland
ElectionsImpeachment resolution against Colorado’s Secretary of State introduced in state HouseBy Bente Birkeland
Government and PoliticsRepublican lawmakers want to impeach Colorado’s Secretary of State over her support for removing Trump from the ballotBy Bente Birkeland
Government and PoliticsRepublicans decry ruling disqualifying Trump from Colorado’s primary ballotBy Megan Verlee